
We use FedEx shipping on domestic orders. Please allow 2-3 business days for your order to process and 3-5 days to ship.

Changing My Shipping Address

Shipping addresses cannot be changed. We will only ship to the address entered when the order was originally placed.

Can I Cancel My Order?

Once an order is confirmed, we cannot cancel or modify the shipment.

How Can I Track My Order?

Once your package has shipped, you will receive an email with its tracking information.

What Is the Return Policy?

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase from us for any reason, we will offer you a return and refund within 7 days of purchasing. *Some restrictions apply.

Making a Return?

Email a member of customer support here with your order number, and return request.

What Is the Refund Policy?

Once your return has been processed, you will receive an email confirmation of your refund.

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